Leskinen - Keski-Vähälä - Smeds - Grosvenor

The Year of The Hare

A Human comedy

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Ryhmäteatterissa vuonna 2013 kantaesitetty Jäniksen Vuosi Edinburgh Fringe -festivaalilla elokuussa 2015! Skotlantilainen sovitus ja näyttelijät, suomalainen ohjaus ja tuotanto.

Vatanen (David McKay) is middle-aged, middle-class and works 12-hour days in his office cubicle the highlights of his life long passed. However, a chance encounter with an eccentric Hare (Kim Allan) re-awakens his lust for life and suddenly Vatanen finds himself – along with his new-found traveling companion – on an epic and surreal road trip through a world with rules and values he can no longer accept or understand. During the companions' journey the lines between reality, dreams and insanity begin to become blurred. But even this does not deter our industrious pair! The quest to find some kind of meaning in life and existence has begun!

Warning! Serious mayhem is unavoidable, so strap on your bunny ears and kiss reality goodbye, because it's gonna be a wild ride. However, there's no need to panic if you have lost your bunny ears. We can promise you will find them by end of the show...

The Year of The Hare – A Human comedy is an anarchic and riotous but ultimately touching comedy about human beings and other animals living together in a rapidly changing world with more and more problems but seemingly fewer and fewer solutions.

Written by

Esa Leskinen

Sami Keski-Vähälä

Kristian Smeds


Catherine Grosvenor

English translation

Nely Keinänen

Directed by

Aleksis Meaney


David McKay

Kim Allan

Martin Docherty

Sarah McCardie


Hanna Roisko / The Ryhmäteatteri

Musical director

Sarah McCardie

Sound designer

Jussi Kärkkäinen

Costume and Set designer

Janne Siltavuori

Video designers

Ville Vierikko

Ville Salmisalo


Alan McCredie

Graphic designer

Ville Salmisalo